Alright - 19 weeks down, about 21 to go...
Started feeling baby girl kick and kick on Friday, November 21st (18 weeks) while out to dinner with Matt at Chilis. We're sitting there and I get this "thunk" under my belly button about 2 inches...then a few minutes later "thunk." With the issues I've had in the past with my GI system, I knew it wasn't gas. Felt her again later that night while laying in bed...and again the next day. Only a few times a day.
Well...now a week later and especially today - she's been going crazy! Every hour, constant for about 10-15 minutes and then she takes about a 45 minute nap. She's a wild woman, that's for sure!
We're looking forward to the next couple of weeks when baby girl gets bigger and Matt's able to feel her movement. He's really anxious for that time - and so am I - I want so badly for him to be a part of this - but so far, it's just me.
Roger & Dori (my wonderful in-laws) were able to join us for an "After-Thanksgiving-Dinner" sonogram at mom's office. So, they got to see little peanut squirm and wave all over the screen. I sure hope they enjoyed that! It was nice to be able to include them in something! Hopefully they'll make another trip up to Peoria before she arrives for another.
On another note...
We did announce our name choice for our daughter to all family at Thanksgiving dinner. We had originally decided to wait, as we didn't want people's reactions to affect our decision - but then we reminded ourselves that she's OUR child and that no one else's opinion matters but our own. And seeing as it's a unique name, we thought some family may need time to get used to it, so, since we're halfway through the pregnancy (hard to believe!), we decided to go ahead and share. However, we're not ready to announce it on our blog. So, if you're interested, drop me an email and I'll share it with you! However, we will share her middle name with you!
Baby girl's middle name will be Jo - after my mom. We liked that my middle name is Anne - short for Annabelle - after my maternal grandmother. So, in trying to make a tradition out of it, we took mom's middle name of Jolene and shortened it to Jo. And we liked how it can also serve as a shout-out to my mom - who will deliver this little girl in April - if things go as "planned."
So, we hope you're all absolutely wonderful and looking forward to a wonderful Christmas! We wish we could see you all! Take care!
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