Time for yet another update!
Had my 16 week check-up today - I know, that sounds silly as I've gone to be "checked" every other week since we found out I was pregnant. But anywho - we had a flip-flop on gender at 14 weeks, so of course, since with all other patients, mom starts looking at 16 weeks, we thought we'd give it another shot. Matt wasn't able to go, but as we had a VERY good idea what the sex of the baby was at 14 weeks, we decided it was ok that he couldn't be there - afterall, mom was just going to be giving us confirmation. So, my girlfriend, Elizabeth, went with me - she's 23 weeks pregnant and even got a sono for herself out of the experience!
So, I took the video camera - just in case - and all is well with baby. As we decided at 14 weeks, we know gender and are keeping it a secret until all the grandparents are told first. Unfortunately, we've been calling Matt's parents and not getting an answer. So...the wait continues for the rest of you!
After we were done with our sonos, mom had a delivery to head off to, and Elizabeth and I both eing nursing students and both wanting to go into midwifery ourselves, I asked if we could tag along...afterall, Elizabeth had never actually seen a delivery! (When taking OB through school, babies don't really come while we're up on the unit to observe - so very few students ever get lucky enough to witness this amazing experience...thankfully because of mom - I have many times.)
So we headed on over to the hospital and witnessed the miracle of birth - the first time I have since I found out I was pregnant...suddenly, reality set it. This is really going to be happening to me and my body in 5 months...woah. I still find myself holding my breath with the patient as they push...and holding back tears after the baby is born. I know - I'll make quite an emotional L&D nurse/future midwife someday...hopefully someday soon.
So, speaking of school and jobs...I applied and interviewed for one of a few positions in the OB department at Provena Covenant Medical Center here in Urbana. I was fortunate enough to have applied and been awarded a heafty scholarship from Provena during the summer, that of course came with a work committment (30 months) which was perfect, as Matt would finish his PhD at the same time my committment would be up. Couldn't time that better. Everything seemed to go well. My interviews went really well...still waiting to hear. Called to check in with HR last week and they said that due to a couple of late applicants, we wouldn't hear anything until next week...hopefully M-W but the good news was I was still in the running! So, that itself was good news!
Well, we'll keep everyone posted! We hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and we look forward to updating you all again soon!!
Love to all!
Katie, Matt, Wrigley and Baby P!
So I hope you don't mind but I'm posting a link to your blog on my blog so I can keep up to date on your progress. You post a lot more info on here, I have come to discover. I don't update my blog as often as you do, but I am working on it.
Hey Katie & Matt!
I'm so excited for both of you. Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or a girl. Love you guys!
Aunt Connie
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