Wow! We can't believe she's six and a half weeks old already! Time sure is flying! I'm dreading going back to work...I can't stand the idea of being away from her for 13 or so hours! I'm sure I'll cry that first day back...
We've had a lot of fun with her these past six weeks! She's been to see her pediatrician twice and she's right on schedule for everything. And she really likes him! She's full of smiles for him everytime we go in. Her next appointment is on her two month birthday, June 11th!
She had her first pool experience this past Memorial Day weekend - she wasn't quite a fan...but I think it's because we woke her up to do it - and the water was a little chillier than she's used to. Then, her daddy had to go and be clever and try out Wrigley's old life jacket on her...poor little girl.
I still find her so much fun to run errands with. Takes me a bit longer to get ready and get everything together for us both to go, but I love pushing her around in carts and talking to her...she's my little girlfriend! She loves to shop and she's so good at it! Our favorite place is Target! Sometimes, we venture out to the mall and just walk around...that's fun too! She coos and babbles a bit and smiles a LOT!
I've been visiting my parents a lot on the weekends - lots going on back home. My best friend is going to be a mommy in about 8 weeks and she's getting married in 14, so there's been much to do! Mom and I find ourselves acting like little papparazzi! When we sit there in the morning and just snap picture after picture, we get the most amazing expressions! She's got such a wonderful little personality!
She finally gets to meet her Great-Aunt Judy tomorrow! Matt and I are very excited to introduce Emerson to her and show her off! And then, this coming weekend, she finally gets to meet her Great-Grandma Fern! It's very exciting! She's met a lot of extended family over the past week or two! She's a very loved little girl!
Well, we'll keep you posted as more and more happens!
xo - Katie, Matt, Emerson Jo, & Wriggle-Piggles!
1 comment:
I love her! I just want to hug her and see those little smiles for myself. Brooke and Hannah are all smiles most of the time too but I can't ever catch them on film! I'm too busy talking to them and making them smile! She's adorable!
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