Obviously been quite some time since I last updated this thing! Nine weeks, maybe?? Either way, too long, and I'm sorry.
Well, Matt and I have been plenty busy since Christmas. We spent Christmas eve eve with Roger and Dori and headed safely up to Pekin, in one of the worst winter storms, later that evening. Good thing we did, as we ended up having Christmas with my folks and brother because my dad had a feeling he'd be busy on Christmas Eve - and YES HE WAS. But either way, it was a great holiday and Emerson got SO many presents from both sets of Grandparents! Actually - she was really the ONLY one who got presents! And that's all we asked for!
The biggest present for me, came on December 22nd when, while spending time at R&D's, I got a phone call from HR at Provena Covenant Medical Center offering me an RN position on their med-ortho floor...and I gladly accepted! A job - a job that kept me here in Champaign - a job that kept me from commuting while pregnant and then later with a newborn - and most exciting - a PAYCHECK! We were very excited!
I began orientation as a graduate nurse on January 5th. Monday thru Friday, 8am (sometimes 7am) to 5pm. It was difficult and took it's toll, but the paychecks were defintely worth it! Now I'm on the floor, getting accustomed to how things go and work. Taking boards next month...hopefully all goes well.
Matt's been plenty busy in the lab, but is still finding time to be home more than usual. He's taking on more of a supervisory role...so he's learning how to delegate tasks - something he's both enjoying and hating - as any Pontifex feels - if you don't do it yourself, you're afraid it won't get done right. But he's managing it all well.
Well...the count down has finally begun. The date is set and we're excited to announce that I will be induced on Saturday, April 18th! So, little Miss Emerson Jo Pontifex will grace us with her presence on either the 18th or 19th! We're very excited!
Until then, it's work (3-12hr shifts/week for me and typical random hours in the lab for Matt), and getting things ready and together. We have an appointment on Friday, March 13th for pregnancy pictures with a well-known photographer back in Peoria, followed by our last baby shower on that Saturday! So, we're very excited!
We'll try to keep everyone updated! Until then - enjoy the pictures!!
xoxo - Katie, Matt, Wrigley & Baby Emme!