It's been a while since I updated, but so much has been going on! We've been crazy busy!
On December 12th, I successfully graduated from Parkland College with my Associate's Degree in Nursing! Only 1 more step away from being an RN - the NCLEX! Waiting for clearance for that - should come in January. Been interviewing like crazy at all of the area - and non-area - hospitals and so far, only 1 little nibble. However, it's a nibble we'll be turning down as things just won't work with little Miss Em on her way. We're desperate to stay in Champaign, as we love it here, and I'm desperate to work for 1 of the 2 hospitals here in town as they provided me with a "special scholarship" this summer - that comes with a 30 month work committment. I have yet another interview on Monday, and if all goes well, I'll be practicing the kind of nursing I never wanted to, but it's a job and it'll keep us here in town and everything will be as close to perfect as possible. Plus, after 6 mo of employment, I can transfer units, so maybe I'll get lucky there too. Let's just hope that the interview on Monday goes well and that I get an offer. Otherwise, I think we've decided that I'll look for a part-time job until Miss Emme comes and then apply with all of the new May graduates for jobs then. I'll have 1 up on them though - I'll have (hopefully successfully) completed my state boards!
As for little Miss Em - for those who haven't heard yet, we've chosen the name Emerson Jo. We'll likely call her Emme. Matt and I are so excited! She started moving, as previously reported, around 17-18 weeks. Matt's been chomping at the bits to get to feel her, but she hasn't quite been strong enough - not to mention that my placenta is smack dab in the front, and that's typically the area she kicks. Well, laying in bed last night, I had his hand on my tummy - over towards my right (her head and back are over there) and he was getting a little disappointed with my every "did you feel that?" and he'd shake his head. So, I stopped asking. Then, all of the sudden, he asked "Was that her?" And it was! So he's finally felt his little girl move! He was so excited! What a great feeling and what an amazing Christmas present! (Especially as we aren't exchanging presents this year d/t lack of money.)
Saw the perinatologist on Tuesday - taking advantage of all the perks mom has to offer as my midwife. She's very close friends with Dr. Egly and he's a wonderful man who will bend over backwards to help colleagues. So, he assessed her for about 5-10 minutes and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find a single thing wrong with her! So, looks like we have a perfectly healthy little girl growing in there! He gave us about 6-7 3D pictures and she's SOOOO cute! No idea who she looks like, but she's got the cutest little nose! Unfortunately, they're only printouts (mom gives us her pics on CD so we can upload them to the computer for everyone) so we'll have to scan those and with Christmas rapidly approaching, we've been hard-pressed for time! But I promise, I WILL get them up soon!
Alright, I must leave you now! Time to host a baby shower for my little pregnant friend Elizabeth! Happy Holidays to all of you! Love you!
Love, Katie, Matt, Wrigley and little Miss Emerson!